Blackhorn Partners

Speaking Engagements


Speaking Engagements

Acquiring and cultivating information on wealth management for our clients is only part of our commitment and responsibility.  At Blackhorn Partners we believe passing along that information and educating others is equally important. Representatives from Blackhorn have developed targeted programs that addressed various types of groups and organizations with anywhere from 5 to 500 members.

Groups: Youth Groups, Collegiate Organizations, Employee Benefit Workshops, Workplace Seminars, Retirement Associations, Service Organizations, Social Clubs, Industry Lectures
Topics Include:
Financial Literacy, Financial Planning, Retirement Planning Strategies, Investment Management Strategies, Asset Allocation Concepts, Alternative Investment Management, Estate Planning, Education Planning

Teaching Engagements

Blackhorn Partners is a noted expert in the fields of in the fields of personal financial planning, estate planning, employee benefits and many other key segments of wealth management. Our oft demonstrated leadership skills and knowledge of the field has made Blackhorn a popular guest educational leader and instructor. The following is a “sample that representatives from Blackhorn Partners have developed content and material for instruction, lecture, and guest lecture courses in the past.”


Texas Tech University -  Lubbock

Personal Financial Planning
Undergraduate Level

PFP 3301: Introduction to Personal Finance
PFP 3341: Personal Finance: Goal Planning
PFP 3275: Employee Benefits
PFP 3497: Risk Management & Insurance Planning

Graduate/Doctoral Level

PFP 5295: Employee Benefits
PFP 5497 Risk Management & Insurance Planning

University of Wisconsin - Madison

Consumer Science - Personal Finance
Undergraduate Level

CNSR SCI 275: Consumer Finance
CNSR SCI 501: Family Estate Planning
CNSR SCI 627: Advanced Consumer Finance
CNSR SCI 665: Household Risk Management
CNSR SCI 675: Family Financial Counseling

Financial Service Engagements

Philmont Training Center (PTC)- Cimarron, NM

The PTC is nestled in the foothills of the Sangre de Cristo Mountains of northeastern New Mexico near Cimarron. The PTC has served as the National Training Center for the Boy Scouts of American since 1950. A Variety of week-long conferences are conducted for unit, district, and council volunteers and professionals.

Certificates of Completion are held for:

Major Gifts and Endowment Seminar

Topics include: Local council strategies for building a major gift program, charitable gift annuities, charitable remainder trusts, and charitable lead trusts, donor cultivation and education, investment management and council trust funds, and the ethics of planned giving.
Designed for: Council VPs for Fund Development, Endowment Chairman, Capital Campaign Chairmen and committee members, Development Directors, and Scout Executives.

Properties Conference

Topics include: Making the right decisions in relation to a council's fixed assets, introduces principles of BSA asset management, and an in-depth look at strategic planning. Time is spent on execution including: facility design, camp layout, construction delivery methods, and examples of design.
Designed for: Council VPs of Property Management, Properties Chairman and committee members, professional Scouters and volunteers.